Also, the light was changing every minutes. Most of the time, the set wasn’t well placed, the photo wasn’t clear (because of the particles), or Jar Jar wasn’t in his seat 😅.

BUT there were lots of waves, so I controlled NOTHING 😅. I had to take the set, & the camera, throw away the lego and take the pic. So I went there, & it was a nightmare 😂.

The idea was to make an underwater pic (by showing the abyss), but I finally choose a spot with rocks (or the shot would have been « empty »). Hey 👋, time for the traditional making of ! To be honest, I was really lucky on this one. on Instagramīehind the scene : « Naboo’s dark water » Na última imagem da sequência há uma tela preta e, em letras brancas, o mesmo texto da legenda do post. As duas imagens seguintes mostram detalhes aproximados desta obra. Na parte superior central da tela, há ideogramas em japonês. Na parte inferior esquerda, há cinco barcos com velas brancas. O centro do lago é cortado, em toda a sua extensão, por um banco de areia com várias árvores. A segunda imagem é uma xilogravura que mostra uma paisagem, em tons de azul, marrom, branco e preto: um grande lago azul ocupa a maior parte da tela e, ao fundo, há uma cadeia de montanhas, com o sol se pondo atrás. Na primeira, há a palavra paz, em letras brancas, no centro da tela, sobre uma figura desfocada. #pracegover #pratodosverem Temos uma sequência de cinco imagens. #artequeeurespiro #monemcasa #museuoscarniemeyer 🖼️: “Vista do banco de areia de Ama no Hashidate, série Lugares famosos de nosso país. As árvores na península, ordenadas como guardiãs, recebem as embarcações que chegam ao porto, perfiladas, com as brancas velas abertas, e calmas – com a leveza da volta ao lar”, Denise Mattar, curadora. “Tudo nessa paisagem de Hiroshige evoca PAZ: a baía de águas tranquilas, as montanhas ondulantes, a delicadeza do pôr do sol que se insinua no horizonte. Stay tuned, as I will be sharing individual interviews with all team members over the next 6 weeks, that we did with over the summer. Read more about the expedition at (link in bio) and you can also help fund the expedition by going to To get this expedition off it’s feet, we need all the help we can get.
Raise funds for the future Xunaan-Ha Expedition Series Wildlife and Environmental PreservationĤ. Raise awareness for the Yucatan Aquifer - one of the biggest on the planetģ. Find proof that the Holbox-fracture is a waterbearing cave in itselfĢ. The expedition aims to (besides exploring never-seen-before caves):ġ.

Myself and 5 badass ladies, Maria, Ellen, Tamara, Julia and Melodie will be heading out to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (where some of the ladies already live) in February 2021 for a 20 day cave exploration expedition! Exciting news!! I have been invited to be part of the first female cave exploration team for the Xunaan-Ha Expedition, powered by Robbie Schmittner Expeditions 🤩🤩🤩